One of the most time-consuming tasks is adjusting the levels of a group of elements. You’ll learn three ways to simplify your workflow when changing associated levels.
An associated level is a level that is linked to model elements in Revit projects. This link can be created by the user or by default when an element is placed.
Method 1 – Reference Level of Group
Details: Move a set of model elements as a group based on their reference level.
- In the old plan view, click and drag the cursor to select everything.
- Go to the Modify | Multi-Select tab > Selection panel > click Filter.
- Uncheck columns and other elements common to different plan views.
- Click OK.
- Go to the Create panel > click Create Group.
- In the Properties palette, drop-down Reference Level menu.
- Select a new associated level.
- Click Apply.
Method 2 – Paste To Levels
Details: Copy all elements from one level to another.
- Open an elevation view from the project browser.
- Go to the Architecture tab > Datum panel > click Level.
- In the Options bar, check “Make Plan View”.
- Select all elements that are on the level of the old plan view.
- Press the “CTRL+C” keys on your keyboard.
- Press the keyboard shortcut “DE” to delete the old plan view.
- Modify | Multi Select tab > Clipboard panel > drop-down Paste menu.
- Click Aligned to Selected Levels > Select the new plan view to paste to.
- Click OK.
If this method of changing the associated level is grayed out, click the Paste drop-down arrow to enable it.
✨ Tip: Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple plan views from the list.
Method 3 – View Templates
Details: Transfer your current level view settings to the new view.
- In the Properties palette, find View Template under Identity Data.
- Click on the prompt box next to it.
- Check “Show Views”.
- Select a Level to replicate its view range > click the Duplicate icon.
- Uncheck all parameters in the list except the “View Range”.
- Click on the “Edit…” box next to “View Range”.
- Set the Offset value to “0” for both the Top and Cut planes > Click OK.
Learn more about view templates
This will only replicate the view range. Select other parameter fields to replicate them as well.
If you want to change the level of multiple elements in a document at once, learn more about matching properties.
This tutorial will help you change the associated level of elements in your Revit project. If you are working with more than one project file, you can coordinate the levels of all models using the Copy /Monitor tool.
Mohamed Fakhry has helped thousands of architects and designers find their next project with step-by-step guidance on his blog, About Mohamed
His journey began during his university years when he recognized the need for information-rich 3D models to accelerate learning and improve production processes. Now, Mohamed shares his expertise through Revit tutorials that are accessible to all.