Want to increase your productivity in Revit? Here is a list of Revit shortcuts that architects use to create models and documents. Read on to learn how to use them and how to create your own combinations.

Create New Hotkeys
Details: How to create keyboard shortcuts in Revit.
Revit shortcuts are keyboard keys or key combinations that you can press to activate various commands or tools in Revit.
The easiest way to get into the habit of using shortcuts is to print them out and stick them somewhere on your desk, although some users prefer to sacrifice 50% of the screen space to avoid unnecessary visual effort.
- Go to the View tab > drop-down the User Interface menu.
- Click Keyboard Shortcuts (shortcut: KS).
- In Search, type the command name.
- Select the command in the list.
- Press one or more keys to create a command.
- Click Assign > Click OK.
To remove a shortcut, press the Command key in the Shortcuts panel > click Remove.
✨ Tip: Press the arrow keys to cycle through the commands displayed in the status bar. After entering the command keys, press the space bar. Grayed-out system shortcuts cannot be changed.
There are many options available when editing keyboard shortcuts. The same command can have multiple keys, and the same shortcut can be used for multiple tools.
Pick Lines Hotkey
- Press “KS” to open the Keyboard Shortcuts window.
- Search for “pick lines”.
- Select a command from the list.
- Press “QQ” on the keyboard.
- Click Assign.
- In the Duplicate Shortcuts window, click OK.
- Select other commands one at a time to assign “QQ” to them > Click OK.

Sync Model Hotkey
- Press “KS”.
- Search for “Sync”.
- Select Synchronize with Central commands.
- Press “SWC” keys on the keyboard.
- Click Assign.
- Select the same command again.
- Press “SYNC” keys on the keyboard.
- Click Assign.
- Click OK.

These are two different ways of assigning keyboard shortcuts to the commands. I have assigned (QQ) for selecting lines in all the different editing modes and (SWC) or (SYNC) for synchronizing with the central model.
Method 1 – Multiple Windows
Details: Use your desktop to practice using hotkeys.
- Open the document in a new window.
- Press Win + right arrow on the keyboard.
- Open the Revit window.
- Press Win + left arrow on the keyboard.
Method 2 – User Interface
Details: Use the ALT key method only as a cursor-alternative to explore and navigate the user interface.
- In a viewport, press ALT.
- Use the small hotkeys on the tabs and the Quick Access Toolbar to navigate.
For example, to insert a door family: Press ALT > press A (Architecture tab) > press D (Doors).
Keep an eye on your printed sheet to speed up your workflow over time. Eventually, you’ll have a set of favorite shortcuts that you can easily recall.
If any of the shortcuts stop working, make sure the keyboard language is ENG and disconnect any remote access to the device.
Have you assigned any new Revit shortcuts to improve a particular task? Which of the existing ones is your favorite? Mine is “BX“.

Mohamed Fakhry has helped thousands of architects and designers find their next project with step-by-step guidance on his blog, mashyo.com. About Mohamed
His journey began during his university years when he recognized the need for information-rich 3D models to accelerate learning and improve production processes. Now, Mohamed shares his expertise through Revit tutorials that are accessible to all.